Well got a little color squirted on the nova, started with HOK black sealer and then black base coat and followed that up with 3 coats of Uc-35 clear from HOK. By the way the title of this article may be misleading ,is black a color or is it a shade ?Oh well i digress.Also been playing with different effects to use on the silver stripes that will separate the black from the candy blue, may use the brushed aluminum look with a little blue candy misted over it .Just want something different to make it not look like a plain silver stripe.Gotta settle on something soon and get busy ,spring is here and Mike's already talking about the Hot Rod Power Tour !
Seems like there never enough time ,still got to finish insulating the car and build a console and wire it all up! if i did not have to sleep and work at the stupid airline job i might finish !!